REUNITED With the AMG GT Black Series! It's Home from Dubai | VLOG 72

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Added by MiAmigo
After spending 6 months in Dubai, it's finally time to be reunited with the Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series. It's been a long time coming, but amazing to see it touch back down on UK soil!

Back in November, @Shmee150's Solarbeam Yellow AMG was flown out to the Middle East and has spent the start of 2022 in the sunshine and warmth. Not too long ago, it was popped onto a ship, ready to embark on it's journey back to England, and now's the time to collect it.

With a train to catch, we jump into an Uber and just about make our first train towards Norwich. A few changes later and we arrive in Ipswich, only to find out that Tom had got the location wrong... and we should've been in Bury St Edmunds, a 45 minute drive/taxi away.

Back onto another train, then one taxi later and we're finally able to collect the GT BS from CARS, before jumping behind the wheel and heading for Topaz Detailing to collect some products for The Shmuseum.

Fortunately our afternoon driving start off fairly uneventful, as we enjoy the AMG once again, learning what we love about it and why it makes us smile so much. Although sudden braking on the motorway, and a crash in front of us changed that in a split moment. Eventually we arrive back at the garage, and park the GT back up in the collection.

Thanks for watching!
Mercedes-AMG GT R PRO
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