Welcome to the technical comparison between 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLC vs 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupe.
In this video, you can find the differences between GLC vs GLC Coupe in the following categories:
- External dimensions (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance),
- Interior dimensions (head room, leg room, shoulder room)
- Cargo volume/luggage compartment
- Engine and performance (maximum power, maximum torque, top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h / 0-62 mph)
- Price.
Detailed Mercedes GLC Coupe review:
Please note that this is only a technical comparison, based solely on the technical specifications of both cars. Not a real life Mercedes GLC vs Mercedes GLC Coupe test. Images are taken from the manufacturer website.
Browse through our channel for more interesting video comparisons or visit our web page http://www.worldautoevolution.com for detailed reviews.
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In this video, you can find the differences between GLC vs GLC Coupe in the following categories:
- External dimensions (length, width, height, wheelbase, ground clearance),
- Interior dimensions (head room, leg room, shoulder room)
- Cargo volume/luggage compartment
- Engine and performance (maximum power, maximum torque, top speed, acceleration 0-100 km/h / 0-62 mph)
- Price.
Detailed Mercedes GLC Coupe review:
Please note that this is only a technical comparison, based solely on the technical specifications of both cars. Not a real life Mercedes GLC vs Mercedes GLC Coupe test. Images are taken from the manufacturer website.
Browse through our channel for more interesting video comparisons or visit our web page http://www.worldautoevolution.com for detailed reviews.
Don't forget to subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq_A5jZZ8fcbdWzLW6AZHGA?sub_confirmation=1
More SUV/Crossover comparisons here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjhB6mcaT7HbUsxNlaKUoN4WQNvzpHBEm
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