DIY Car Repair Quick Tip #14: How to Avoid Case Damage When Removing Lip Seals

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Added by vindheim
In part 14 of this series Kent shares an easy modification you can make to your seal removal pry tool. When you pry out a seal it is easy to damage the casing around it if you are not careful. Most of the pry tools have sharp edges. Kent will demonstrate how to prevent this sharp edge from marking the case around the seal when you pry to seal out.In his "quick tip" video series Kent Bergsma shares short automotive maintenance tips and tricks that you may find helpful when repairing your own car. Each tip is one to two minutes in length, covers only one specific topic, and is geared for the do-it-yourself home mechanic. Using these tips can help protect you AND your car, and possibly save you hundreds of dollars $$$.Check out all his videos in this Quick Tip series by watching the full play list highlighted on the home page of this channel.

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